14 May 2024
The government program entitled “The Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project (OVFMP)”, implemented by Polish Waters with funds from the state budget, the EU, the World Bank, and the Council of Europe Development Bank, involves carrying out investments to support the development of water management. It envisages the implementation of project activities relating to the Lower, Border, and Middle Odra River, but also investments in the Kłodzko Land, in the Vistula River basin, in the area of Tarnobrzeg, Sandomierz, and the San River mouth as well as in the Kraków area. The OVFMP is the government’s largest coherent program of this type implemented in Poland. The purpose of the implementation of all project activities is to protect the health and life of the population living in riverside areas and associated infrastructure against the effects of flood events.
The participation of the society in the preparation and implementation of the OVFMP is of key importance for us and therefore we conduct regular and cyclical public consultations on the implemented investments.
Are you interested in investments carried out under the OVFMP? Do you want to take part in public consultations? Would you like to get acquainted with the documents, plans and expert opinions regarding the Project? Contact us or a selected unit of the Polish Water National Water Management and gain proven and reliable knowledge!
Na Grobli 14/16 (Building C) 50-421 Wrocław