15 November 2017
Workshop: Cooperation, supervision and settlement of Time Sheets the Technical Assistance in the Odra Vistula Flood Management Project
6 September 2017
Workshop: Environmental Risk Management on the Contract due to implementation of EMP procedures (environmental-safeguards related training)
17 May 2017
Training covering the issues of Land Acquisition & Resettlement (LA/RAP) under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project
25 January 2017
Workshop relating the Technical Assistance Contract Management in the Odra Vistula Flood Management Project
26 October 2016
Workshop in terms of cooperation between the Project Implementation Units and Technical Assistance Consultants and in terms of reporting within the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project

12 May 2016
Workshop related to Odra – Vistula Flood Management Project and ORFPP Project participants (PIU’s and PCU) the preparation of bidding documents, evaluation of prequalification applications and bids submitted during the selection of works contractors using the ICB procedure as well as evaluation of proposals submitted during the selection of technical assistance consultants
5 April 2016
Workshop related to OdraVistula Flood Management Project and ORFPP Project participants (PIU’s and PCU) Monitoring and Reporting – tools to be used to manage the Odra Vistula Flood Management Project
1 December 2015
Training Workshop in terms of financial management based on the World Bank requirements
17 November 2015
Training Workshop in terms of Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) and Environmental Management Plan (EMP)