We would like to inform you that as part of THE ODRA-VISTULA FLOOD MANAGEMENT PROJECT IBRD Loan No. 8524–PL in the position of Member of the International Dam Safety Panel of Experts under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project No. (as per Procurement Plan): OVFMP 5.1,
on November 30, 2020 the following consultants were hired:

Zbigniew Chaciński
Benedikt Sander – Kessels

We offer:



Consultant's scope of responsibility:



Place of work



We expect:



Additional requirements:






Member of the International Dam Safety Panel of Experts under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project
/the new Terms of Reference (ToR)/.

The State Water Holding Polish Waters is the main entity responsible for water management in Poland. It comprises 330 Water Management Stations, 50 Catchment Management Boards, 11 Regional Water Management Authorities, and the National Water Management Authority.

But above all, Polish Waters employs more than 6000 people who perform their work with passion. We are a newly established organization where everyone can find his or her place due to its size and diversity. We perform many important and necessary tasks; among others, we operate flood control and river training structures, plan and supervise strategic investments, conduct proceedings related to hydraulic permits, and develop strategies and plans.

Enjoy work that is of significance. Join us!

IBRD Loan No. 8524–PL
Assignment Title: Member of the International Dam Safety Panel of Experts under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project
No. (as per Procurement Plan): OVFMP 5.1

The Government of the Republic of Poland has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project (OVFMP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds for consulting services.

Member of the International Dam Safety Panel of Experts under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project

We offer:

  • Participation in one of the key flood protection projects in Poland.
  • Contract for consulting services.
  • Work in an international team.

Consultant's scope of responsibility:

The responsibilities of the Consultant – a member of the International Dam Safety Panel of Experts – will include providing advice in matters important to the safety of the dry polders constructed in the Kłodzko Valley and of large hydraulic infrastructure works carried out under the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project. The Consultant’s assignment will include the following, in particular:

At the design stage:

  • Review design assumptions, with particular reference to the geotechnical parameters used for characterizing shear strength and deformability of soil types used for the construction of foundations and embankments; as necessary commission, supervise, and interpret laboratory tests aimed at validating design assumptions.
  • Review and check design documentation (construction designs, detailed designs, other) prepared by the designers and prepare recommendations covering the design solutions, construction work methods, the construction procedure, and risk assessment.
  • Review the operation manuals and prepare recommendations to improve them.
  • Review the operational rules of the dry polders and of other hydraulic structures as well as to prepare recommendations.
  • Review the Operation and Maintenance Plan (OMP), and the Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) and make any necessary recommendation pertaining to the adequacy of such plans.
  • Prepare recommendations and opinions (“on an ad hoc basis”) if any problems arise that need to be resolved.

At the contractor selection stage:

  • Review bidding documents with respect to technical specifications and requirements set to contractors as well as to prepare recommendations.
  • Prepare recommendations and opinions (“on an ad hoc basis”) if any problems arise that need to be resolved.

At the construction stage:

  • Participate in meetings organized at the construction site.
  • Evaluate work progress and quality.
  • Prepare recommendations and opinions (“on an ad hoc basis”) if any problems arise that need to be resolved.

At the construction completion and operation stage:

  • Participate in meetings organized at the construction site.
  • Review the operational rules of the dry polders and other hydraulic structures.
  • Make recommendations for the finalization of the OMP and of the EPP and review the final versions of such plans.
  • Prepare recommendations and opinions (“on an ad hoc basis”) if any problems arise that need to be resolved.

During the Project implementation:

  • Review and analyze flood protection and emergency preparedness plans as well as to prepare recommendations.
  • Participate in meetings related to the preparation and implementation of the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project.
  • Prepare recommendations and opinions (“on an ad hoc basis”) if any problems arise that need to be resolved.
  • Provide technical support to the PCU Consultants with regard to issues related to the operation of hydraulic structures as well as control and management of water management facilities.
  • Provide technical support in assessment of the technical condition of hydraulic infrastructure.
  • Provide support to the PCU in analyses and proposals to initiate the preparation of assumptions for concepts of new projects and activities.
  • Present opinions and recommendations regarding activities supervised and coordinated by the PCU.
  • Give opinion on new investments and projects proposed by the entities cooperating with the PCU.
  • Participate in working meetings at the Client’s invitation.

Place of work

Wrocław, The Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project Coordination Unit – State Water Holding Polish Waters

We expect:

  • At least a Master Engineer’s degree in water management and/or hydraulic/hydrotechnical engineering and/or geotechnical engineering within the meaning of the regulations on higher education.
  • Knowledge of and experience in the area of hydraulic engineering, water management, and geotechnical engineering.
  • Knowledge of issues related to flood protection and environmental protection.
  • Knowledge of and experience in design and/or management of civil works with a general contractor and/or in a Contract Engineer team with respect to earthen damming structures (knowledge of FIDIC procedures will be an additional advantage).
  • More than 20 years of professional experience that includes participation in international projects (holding a designer’s license and/or a license to manage civil works or other documents confirming professional qualifications necessary to design and/or manage civil works will be an additional advantage).
  • Experience in cooperation with government agencies implementing investments related to hydraulic/flood protection structures.
  • Knowledge of and experience in investment process preparation, including analysis of investment costs.
  • Knowledge of structural solutions for flood risk reduction as well as of earthworks technologies.
  • Knowledge of English.

Additional requirements:



The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011, revised July 2014 (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. The Consultant will be selected based on the method for the selection of individual consultants specified in the World Bank’s Consultant GuidelinesInterested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and adequate experience to provide the Services. The criteria are described in the Terms of Reference (ToR), which are attached to this advertisement.

If you are interested in our advertisement and think that your skills and character meet our requirements, send to us your CV and letter of application by electronic mail to the address malgorzata.wysocka@wody.gov.pl with the name of the position applied for in the subject of your email, which should contain the following clause: “I consent to the collection and processing of my personal data by the State Water Holding Polish Waters for the purpose of the recruitment process.”

Applications should be submitted by: 16.09.2020

We thank in advance for sending applications.
We kindly inform that 
we will contact only selected candidates.

Information regarding personal data protection:

  1. The controller of personal data processed in the recruitment process is the State Water Holding Polish Waters, ul. Grzybowska 80/82, 00-844 Warszawa.
  2. The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at the following address: Państwowe Gospodarstwo Wodne Wody Polskie, ul. Grzybowska 80/82, 00-844 Warszawa, e-mail:  iod@wody.gov.pl.
  3. The personal data of candidates will be processed to carry out the current recruitment process based on the consent given (Art. 6(1)(a) of the GDPR). The data subject has the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time with no impact on the lawfulness of processing carried out based on the consent given before its withdrawal.
  4. The recipient of your personal data can be an entity acting on behalf of the controller, i.e. an entity that provides IT maintenance and troubleshooting services.
  5. Data collected during the recruitment process will be stored until December 15, 2023.
  6. The data subject has the right to access his or her personal data and have them rectified or erased. Submission of a request to erase your data is tantamount to resignation from the participation in the recruitment process conducted by Polish Waters. Moreover, the data subject has the right to demand restriction of processing in cases specified in Art. 18 of the GDPR.
  7. The data subject has the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Data Protection Office against unlawful processing of his or her personal data. If any other supervisory authority is established in the future, this authority will be competent to consider a complaint, but the right to lodge a complaint relates solely to the lawfulness of the processing of personal data and does not relate to the recruitment process itself.
  8. Providing data contained in recruitment documents is not mandatory, but it is a condition that allows a candidate to apply for a job at Polish Waters.
Fundusze Europejskie
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Wody Polskie
Unia Europejska
World Bank