The works, consisting of as many as six tasks with a total value of more than PLN 200 million, have now been officially closed.
Their overriding aim is to strengthen Sandomierz’s flood protection system, protecting residential areas and the Koprzywianka valley from the waters of the Vistula River. The objectives of the task are also to increase protection against flooding and to reduce the risk of flooding in Zajeziorze, Szewce and Sośniczany and the surrounding areas.

The Sandomierz region was badly hit by flooding in 2010. At the time, 3,500 homes were flooded, with approximately 11 km2 of the city’s surface area under water. The water level in the Vistula reached a historic, never-before-recorded level of over 840 cm. The river’s pressure led to the washing out and breaking of the existing flood embankments. The works that have just been carried out protect more than 20,000 residents from a similar situation.
Among other things, the investment included the construction of approximately 30 km of flood protection embankments and a floodgate on the harbour channel between the modernised embankments (the Vistula embankment and the ring embankment). Two existing pumping stations (“Nadbrzezie” and “Zajeziorze”) were extended and rebuilt, a new pumping station building “Szewce” was erected and a brand new pumping station “Koćmierzów” was built, together with all the accompanying infrastructure. Thanks to the tasks carried out, around 11 square kilometres of land is protected from flooding (inhabited by the aforementioned more than 20,000 people). The project also means an improvement in the ecological state and the economic situation of the region and the state of the technical infrastructure.

The six investment tasks that make up the Sandomierz flood protection project are:
1. Flood protection within the estuarial section of the Atramentówka River, construction of a new pumping station “Koćmierzów” and a gravity lock in Koćmierzów (in the right embankment of the Vistula) and a canal carrying water from the Atramentówka to the pumping station.
2. Flood protection within the Struga A watercourse with the reconstruction and extension of the “Nadbrzezie” pumping station.
3. Extension of the embankment protecting the Glassworks and the housing estate in Sandomierz from flood waters, together with the extension of the flood protection embankment of the Vistula River from Lwowska Street to the connection with the Koćmierzów embankment.
4. Securing the embankments of the Koprzywianka River.
5. Construction of a water pumping station in Szewce.
6. Extension of the water pumping station in Zajeziorze.
The investment was carried out as part of the Odra-Vistula Flood Management Project co-financed by the European Union with funds from the Cohesion Fund under the Operational Programme Infrastructure and Environment 2014-2020 and with funds from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the Council of Europe Development Bank as well as the state budget.