On 4 July 2022, at the headquarters of the Maślice Estate Council, the Director of the Road and City Maintenance Management Board in Wrocław and the representatives of the company STRABAG Infrastruktura Południe Sp. z o.o. signed an agreement for the reconstruction of the flood embankment in the line of Ślęzoujście Street with the road infrastructure. The investment involves a task incorporated in 2021 into the Oder and Vistula River Basin Flood Protection Project (POPDOW), funded by the state budget, the World Bank, the Council of Europe Development Bank and EU Funds, to be executed by PGW Wody Polskie.

Signing of the agreement (contract 1B.9 POPDOW)

The meeting was also attended by Piotr Suproń – Director of the OPDOW Project and Anna Sieradzka – Deputy Project Director, who took the opportunity to familiarise all those present at the premises of the Maślice Housing Estate Council with the scope and main objectives of the Oder River Basin Flood Protection Project (POPDO) and the Oder and Vistula River Basin Flood Protection Project (POPDOW).

POPDOW presentation

Investment to ensure the safety of residents

The aim of the investment, which is being launched in Wrocław, is to provide better flood protection for the housing estates of Maślice and Pracze Odrzańskie as well as to modernise Ślęzoujście Street, making it more comfortable for local residents. In the event of a flood and a disaster of the embankment in question, approx. 30,000 people living in an area of 6.2 km2 of the city are at risk, with estimated losses of around PLN 200 million.

This investment completes the city’s flood protection system, as Ślęzoujście Street serves two functions – it is a public road on the one hand and a flood embankment on the other. The execution of this task will therefore complement the work that has been carried out to date as part of the modernisation of the Wrocław Water Junction.

Consultation with residents and solutions developed

Works on the flood protection concept for the Maślice area started several years ago. As part of its ongoing consultation in 2019, the Estate Council gave a favourable opinion on the design of the proposed development. Due to the considerable cost of this task, the city began to seek funding from other sources, which is how it was finally decided to include the task in the OPDOW Project.

In care of nature and historical values

The area around Ślęzoujście Street, where the work will be carried out, possesses favourable conditions for the formation of natural habitats, hence any work is to be implemented in such a way as to have as little impact as possible on the natural environment. In addition, during the execution of the new embankment, it is planned to incorporate the voices of the local community and, where possible, to preserve the historical elements of the street.

Visualisation of Ślęzoujście Street in Wrocław after the modernisation of the flood embankment. ZDiUM materials

The investment will be partly (approximately 30%) financed from funds available under the Oder and Vistula River Basin Flood Protection Project, thanks to an agreement signed in September 2021 with the State Water Holding Company Wody Polskie and the inclusion of the task in the OPDOW Project. The cost of the investment will amount to PLN 12.6 million, of which PLN 8 million will be financed by the Municipality of Wrocław. Contractor – STRABAG Infrastruktura Południe sp. z o.o. – will have 12 months to execute the contract

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Fundusze Europejskie
Rzeczpospolita Polska
Wody Polskie
Unia Europejska
World Bank